How many cities are there in the Gpay Go India map
Hi Readers, Google pay is now up with an all new offer Google Pay Go India – Visit All Cities Of India & Get ₹101 – ₹501 In Bank In this Diwali time Google Pay is giving us best offers of the year from last Two Years. Last Year we have seen different types offers collecting stamps, getting scratch cards and earning up to 2020 Rs. This time its the Go India Offer. This time y ou just need to Collect G Pay Go India Tickets and G Pay Go India Kilometer (KM) to collect the scratch Cards. there are 30 cities in the map Mumbai New Delhi Bangalore Hyderabad Ahmedabad Chennai Kolkata Surat Pune Jaipur Lucknow Kanpur Nagpur Indore Bhopal Visakhapatnam Patna Ghaziabad Ranchi Raipur Chandigarh Guwahati Bhubaneswar Dehradun Thiruvananthapuram Pondicherry Rewards: 1. ₹101-501 scratch will be given immediately on completing all the cities. 2. On every 5th city that you v...